
It is a small handy blasting tool for light work, touch-up cleaning and maintenance jobs. It does blasting in dust free conditions. Unit weight: 3.5 kg. abrasive charges: 1.8 kg. total weights: 5.3 kg. No special skill is required to operate the machine. It is small enough to be fitted through tank manholes, or hard to get areas. Ideal for locations where abrasive must be fully contained, i.e., machinery area, electronic equipment etc. Swivel head allows blasting at any position-overhead, sideway, down hand etc. Most common reusable abrasive may be used, such as shot and grit; aluminum oxide etc. This one-man operation equals three men cleaning by wire brushing, disc sanding or other hand cleaning methods. To use, first attach to 19 mm air line and start blasting. No electrical connections are required. It requires 33 to 60 Cfm at 90 to 100 Psi pressure. Best pattern approx. 31.8 mm wide. A white metal surface is obtained which is suitable for any re-coating.

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