Turnkey Projects

tkp L&T-Kansbahal MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufactured, supplied, erected & commissioned Six Impellers Turbines Airless Type Shot Blasting plant for large sized 3.2 meters long x 5.3 meters wide x 3.2 meters height casting of heavy weight approximate 20 tons each with 36 varieties. Single piece large sized heavy weight Spheroidical Gray Iron casting for industrial use is covered with high contents of casting sand and all other impurities which are required to be removed before machining. After blasting the cleaned surface is prepared for machining & coating.
tkp METALSA MEC SHOT has recently design, developed & manufactured a Hi-Speed special purpose heavy machine to blast clean Truck Frame Rails & Channels of high strength steel in a single pass only by high powered 6 wheels each 50 HP with high massive abrasive flow control with six numbers of MAGNA valves MEC SHOT provided certain mechanical and electrical safety features are incorporated like robust & big maintenance platform along with safety railings, zero speed sensors, heavy duty silencers to control the noise level, compact but highly efficient cartridge type dust collector.
tkp COFMOW MEC SHOT has recently design, developed & manufactured a Huge 4 Wheel Airless 'Y' Hanger type Shot Blasting M/c for Railway Bogie Frames & Accessories. The Job are hanged on hanger which provide on beams and motorized trolley to take the job inside the cabinet. The job enters the blast cabinet where it is blasted inside the blast cabinet by 4 powerful upward and downward positioned blast wheels enabling to cover the entire turning circle of components.
tkp KSB-IRAN MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufactured, exported & successfully commissioned a Turnkey project at IRAN. Semi Downdraft Paint Spray Booth and Special Air-operated Siphon System Shot Blasting M/c with all accessories for Valves used in Natural Oil & Gas pipeline projects.
tkp BEPL (Baby Engineering Pvt. Ltd.) MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufactured, supplied & commissioned a Turnkey project Blast Room System with Automatic Mechanical Recovery & Semi-downdraft Paint Booth System at Tamil Nadu for Heavy Dust Collectors Structures. Monorail Cross Travel Hoist has been provided for easy transportation of job. Hydraulically operated Scissor Lifts have been provided to operator's ease out to cover the large structures of export oriented dust collectors.
tkp VRV Group In a green field project MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufactured, supplied & commissioned a Turnkey project for Cryogenic Pressure Vessels. A huge designed structure fabricated with keeping all safety factors for operating systems and operator and maintenance staff.
tkp BEML (Bharat Earth Movers Limited) MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufactured, supplied & commissioned a Turnkey project at KGF (Mysore). Mechanical Recovery Blast Room System & Semi Downdraft Paint Spray Booth with heavy structural conveyor system with Electro-Mechanical Drive for Multiple Electric Rail Bogies Structures (METRO). Environmental hazard safety systems have been provided to make the system Eco-Friendly.
tkp Thermax MECSHOT has recently designed manufactured, supplied erected & commissioned a Turnkey project for abrasive blasting & painting system. The turnkey project was for a Blast room with A Paint Spray Room machine has been completed in a short & stipulated span of time. (Thermax)
tkp Jindal MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned Air-operated Shot Blasting Machine for Internal blast cleaning of Pipes as surface preparation before cement lining or painting. The rolling pipes rotate over welding rotators and trolley mounted lance nozzles blast clean the internal surfaces of the pipe. The nozzle dia ranges 12.7mm 3 outlet nozzle for 4"&6" pipe, Short series nozzle 12.7mm TC lined for 8"&10" pipe and 16mm TC lined for 12", 14" & 16" pipes.
tkp Aashika MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned 6 Wheel Airless Shot Blasting Machine for cleaning of Railway Boggie Frame before painting. Trolley mounted job travels inside the blast zone where 6 wheels blast clean the surface & other end of the machine a Blast Room system has been provided for manual touch-up.
tkp ALSTOM MECSHOT has designed, manufactured, supplied & commissioned 2W Airless Diabola Type Bar/Pipe Cleaning M/c. The pipes and rods mounted on diabola get blast cleaned externally by twin blast wheels. The bars/pipes get automatically loaded and unloaded from the diabola's through mechanical lifters provided at both the ends.
tkp Gawri MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned an Airless Shot Blasting Machine with Indexing Hanger for Rifle Bullet Charger casted plungers mounted on hangers. These multi hangers mounted on Twin Indexing Table, indexes and job mounted on different hangers revolves and get cleaned by twin hi-speed blast wheels.
tkp P-T - Sandhar MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned a MECShot Airless hanger Type Shot Blasting Machine & linear Painting & Baking System.
tkp BEML - Blast Room System with Vacuum Recovery MECSHOT has recently designed, manufactured, supplied & commissioned a Turnkey project Vacuum Recovery Blast Room System for Earth Moving Equipments like Hydraulic Excavator, Cranes etc.
tkp L&T Kansbahal - Airless SPL. 6W Shot Blasting M/c for Castings MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned a Airless 6 Wheel Special Shot Blasting M/c with Trolley & Turn Table For Huge Castings & Welded Components. During Huge casting of industrial use are covered with casting sand and all other impurities and are required to the remove before machining. The casting blast cleaned and surface is prepared for machining & coating.
tkp CIMA SHYAM - Airless Shot Peening M/c for Coil Spring MECSHOT has developed, design, manufactured & commissioned a Shot Peening Machine for Coil Springs at Vadodara. This was a state of the art technology for the Coil Springs shot peening in revolving and forward traversing mode. These Shot Peened Coil Springs are exported for the automobile industries.
tkp RAINBOW – UAE To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 7 meter Length, 2.5 meter Width & 2.5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Heavy Structures. This system was supplied with Semi Automatic Mechanical Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp KHUSHEIM COMPANY - DAMMAM – KSA To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 12 meter Length, 8 meter Width & 8 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Heavy Structures before painting. This system is with Mechanical Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Reverse Pulse Jet for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp KHS – AHEMDABAD To Paint the surface in a Vertical Down Draft Dry Type Paint Booth System (Size 16.5 meter Length, 9.2 meter Width & 8 meter Height) is to paint the Thermal Turbine Structures. This system is with Airinlet Filter & Paint Trap Filters for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp KHS – AHMEDABAD To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 16.5 meter Length, 9 meter Width & 9 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Thermal Turbine Structures before painting. This system is with Mechanical Recovery System for achieving Surface Preparation & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp HAL – KORAPUT To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in Blast Cabinets of Different Sizes for Aircraft Industries were supplied. The Systems were supplied with Manual/Auto Operation of Blasting for Surface Preparation / Cleaning & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp GRAND PRIX – FARIDABAD To Paint the surface in a Vertical Down Draft Dry Type Paint Booth System (Size 10 meter Length, 6 meter Width & 6 meter Height) is to paint the Thermal Turbine Structures. This system is with Airinlet Filter & Paint Trap Filters for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp GRAND PRIX – FARIDABAD To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 10 meter Length, 6 meter Width & 6 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Thermal Turbine Structures before painting. This system is with Mechanical Recovery System for achieving Surface Preparation & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp FEROMATIK – AHMEDABAD The Automated Shot Peening Cabinet consists of large enclosure. The machine is fully Auto Mode for Shot Peening the root of Torsion Bars. This system was supplied with Pneumatic Recovery System & Magna Valve for achieving constant Peening Intensity. Filter Element Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BOODAI – KUWAIT Portable abrasive blaster direct pressure feed systems, with 6 cft tank of blast clean ship and heavy structures in open or in encloser.
tkp BHEL - RAMCHANDRA PURAM – HYDERABAD Gas Fired Paint Baking Oven is supplied in a Dry Type Paint Baking Insulated Chamber System (Size 20 meter Length, 8 meter Width & 7 meter Height) is to bake painted structures at a desired Temperature. Painting is carried out by Airless Painting Machines. Exhaust Fans are provided to remove the paint fumes from the chamber.
tkp BHEL - RAMCHANDRA PURAM – HYDERABAD To Paint the surface in a Vertical Down Draft Dry Type Paint Booth System (Size 16.5 meter Length, 9.2 meter Width & 8 meter Height) is to paint the Thermal Turbine Structures. This system is with Airinlet Filter & Paint Trap Filters for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BHEL - RAMCHANDRA PURAM – HYDERABAD To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 16.5 meter Length, 9 meter Width & 9 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Thermal Turbine Structures before painting. This system is with Mechanical Recovery System for achieving Surface Preparation & Reverse Pulse Jet Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BHEL - RAMCHANDRA PURAM – HYDERABAD To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 2.6 meter Length, 2.6 meter Width & 2.5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Thermal Turbine Structures before painting. This system was supplied with Mini Hopper Pneumatic Recovery System, Rotary Turn Table, Nozzle Reciprocation for uniform blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BHEL – HARIDWAR The Automated Shot Peening Cabinet consists of large acoustical enclosure with 7 Axis Industrial Robot located outside the cabinet. The machine is fully programmable and operates in Auto Mode for Shot Peening the root of Turbine Blades. This system was supplied with Mechanical Recovery System, Shot Classifier & Magna Valve for achieving constant Peening Intensity. Filter Element Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BHEL - GE – SECUNDRABAD To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 2.6 meter Length, 2.6 meter Width & 2.5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Thermal Turbine Structures before ceramic coating. This system was supplied with Mini Hopper Pneumatic Recovery System, Rotary Turn Table, Nozzle Reciprocation for uniform blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BEML - MYSORE (Bharat Earth Movers Limited) To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 13.5 meter Length, 7.5 meter Width & 6 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Heavy Earth Movers Machinery before Painting. This system was supplied with Mechanical Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp BEML - BANGALORE (Bharat Earth Movers Limited) To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 3 meter Length, 4.5 meter Width & 2.5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Satin Finish on Stainless Steel Frame Structures. This system was supplied with Mini Hopper Pneumatic Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector with Multi Cyclone for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp AL-OTHMAN AGRI PRODUCT COMPANY – KSA A Tunnel Type Airless Shot Blasting Machine with passage opening 1200 x 300 mm (H) suitable for cleaning of sheet and structural etc. with four blast wheel station. Reverse Pulsejet Dust Collector, Control Panel and with roller Conveyor for job conveying.
tkp ALCOCK-ASHDOWN (GUJARAT) A Vertical Down Draft Dry Type Paint Booth System (Size 2.5 meter Length, 2.2 meter Width & 3.5 meter Height) is to paint the MS Plates. This system is with Inlet Air Filter & Paint Trap Filters for Pollution Free Operation with a automatic plate conveying system.
tkp ALCOCK-ASHDOWN (GUJARAT) To prepare the surface / to blast clean MS Plate of max. size 12 meter Length 2.5 Meter Width & 5 to 25mm Thick automatically by abrasive blasting in a Blast Cabinet. This system was supplied with Mechanical Recovery System, Nozzle Reciprocation & Roller Conveying for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp AL-AHLEIA – KUWAIT To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 5 meter Length, 5 meter Width & 5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the heavy structures. This system was supplied with Mechanical Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & filter elements collector for pollution free operation.
tkp AIR INDIA – BOMBAY Acoustic Chambers to dampen the High Velocity Sound of Plasma Spray Gun during Ceramic Coating on Aeroplane Components. This system was supplied with Filter Elements Dust Collectors for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp IR INDIA – BOMBAY To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 3 meter Length, 4.5 meter Width & 2.5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the Aeroplane Components. This system was supplied with Mini Hopper Pneumatic Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.
tkp AIM SIAM – THAILAND Portable abrasive blaster direct pressure feed systems, with 6 cft tank to blast clean ship and heavy structures in open or in encloser.
tkp ABB - VOLVO – BANGALORE To prepare the surface by abrasive blasting in a Blast Room (Model 15 meter Length, 5 meter Width & 5 meter Height) was supplied to blast clean the chassis of Buses & Trucks for Automobile Industries. This system was supplied with Mechanical Recovery System for uninterrupted blasting & Fabric Bag Dust Collector for Pollution Free Operation.

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Transform Your Surface Finishing Solutions with Tailored Shot Blasting - Inquire Today!

"Empower your business with MEC SHOT’s cutting-edge surface preparation and finishing systems, including Shot Blast Machines, Blast Cabinets, and Blast Room Systems. We specialize in customizing solutions like Dust Collectors, Conveyor Finishing Lines, Paint Spray Booths, and Powder Coating Ovens to meet your unique requirements. Whether it’s a Tumblast Shot Blasting Machine or a complete industrial setup, we ensure maximum efficiency, sustainability, and precision. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your operations with tailored surface preparation and finishing solutions."