MECSHOT has a range of AIRLESS HANGER TYPE SHOT BLASTING MACHINE with number of blast wheels varying according to the job size for the wide variety of work pieces for large prduction output in terms of surface treatment. The overhed conveyor carried then job in and out of the BLAST CABINET where numbers of BLAST WHEEL are located depending upon the type of the job for attaing homogemenos finish.
Major parts of the machine include Blast Wheel for giving high prodcution output, over head conveyor for job conveyinng and the media recovery, consist of BUCKET ELEVETOR SCREW CONVEYOR rotary screen seprator etc. and DUST COLLECTOR.
The machine is desinged for auotmatic efficeint shot blasting of aluminium casting. The job is loaded on the hanger in the blasting cabinet where they are blasted inside the chamber. The speed of the hanger drives can be regulated by AC drives The cabinet is protected from erosion by liners ( Hardened wear plates ), mounted on the side walls , top and doors.
The dust particles generated in the system are collected in a number of pleated bags in Dust Collector, clean aur is exausted throgh fan. The pleated bags are cleaned by pulse type recers jet air cleaner controlled through solenoid valve and the collected dust particules fall in a dust bin and taken out for disposal from time to time.
MECSHOT deliver various type of AIRLESS HANGER TYPE SHOT BLASTING MACHINE as per the following details.