Indexing Hanger "MECSHOT" has a range of Airless Shot Blasting Machine Hanger Type with number of Blast Wheels varying according to the job size for the wide variety of work pieces for large production output in terms of surface treatment. The overhead conveyor or indexed on hanger carries the job in & out of the blast cabinet where numbers of blast wheel, depend upon the type of the job for attaining homogeneous finish.

Major parts of the machine include blast wheel for giving high production output, over head conveyor for job conveying & the media recovery, consist of bucket elevator, screw conveyor, rotary screen separator etc. & pleated bag reverse jet type dust collector. MECSHOT has recently designed manufactured, Installed & Commissioned Airless Blasting Machines with Rotary Indexing Hanger for surface preparation of Aluminum Dye Casted automobile engines parts.

The Casted Blocks are loaded one on each Rotary Indexing Hanger. After the Job is hanged on hanger, the hanger will index. Load second Job on out coming Hanger. After set time in PLC the Pneumatically operated Sliding Door get close. The blast cleaning media is propelled by centrifugal blasting wheels. Blast wheel stations are located strategically on the cabinet, fires media on the components. The components shot blasted are finished homogeneously all around. After a set time Front door will open. Job is unloaded and new Job cycle is repeated.

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Transform Your Surface Finishing Solutions with Tailored Shot Blasting - Inquire Today!

"Empower your business with MEC SHOT’s cutting-edge surface preparation and finishing systems, including Shot Blast Machines, Blast Cabinets, and Blast Room Systems. We specialize in customizing solutions like Dust Collectors, Conveyor Finishing Lines, Paint Spray Booths, and Powder Coating Ovens to meet your unique requirements. Whether it’s a Tumblast Shot Blasting Machine or a complete industrial setup, we ensure maximum efficiency, sustainability, and precision. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your operations with tailored surface preparation and finishing solutions."