All abrasive recovery system include three basic functions.

  1. Delivering the abrasive which rebounds off the workpiece too a central recovery point.

  2. Transporting the abrasive from that central point to an abrasive cleaner.

  3. Removing dust, fines and other unwanted material from the abrasive before it enters the blast machine to re-use.

Acoustic cum Blast Room

The Blasting process itself is a high producer of sound. The thick accoustivity panels are provided to dampen the sound level outside of blast rooms. During blasting the sound level inside the 90 to 100 dba, but outside the acoustic room the sound level is maintained to 60 to 70 dba.

Airless Blast Room System

Rail Coaches, wagon, huge castings etc. are being blast clean for surface preparation in Airless Blast Room System to achieve productivity. The Airless Blast Room provides online blast cleaning, media reclaiming and dust free environment. In MECShot make Airless Blast Room, the job travels and enters in one side automatically; get blast clean by no. of blast wheel ranging from 10-15 wheels.

Container Type Blast Room System

The steel containers used for transporting of material in the ships & aeroplane get discarded. These steel structures are being used for blasting enclosures. MEC SHOT supply these blast rooms with different media reclaiming system, blasting machine & dust collection system duly internally rubber lined to make them erosion free.

Multi-Clone Type Blast Room System

MEC SHOT has recently designed, manufacturer & supplied multiclone blast room system suitable for the fine media conveying like glass bead, aluminum oxide, corn cobs for blast cleaning of stainless steel coaches of Metro Rail & Aviation Industries.

A multiclone cyclones the fine & lighter particle are 90% re-cycled without wasting the usable fine abrasive. This system is cost effective, uninterrupted & eco-friendly.

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Transform Your Surface Finishing Solutions with Tailored Shot Blasting - Inquire Today!

"Empower your business with MEC SHOT’s cutting-edge surface preparation and finishing systems, including Shot Blast Machines, Blast Cabinets, and Blast Room Systems. We specialize in customizing solutions like Dust Collectors, Conveyor Finishing Lines, Paint Spray Booths, and Powder Coating Ovens to meet your unique requirements. Whether it’s a Tumblast Shot Blasting Machine or a complete industrial setup, we ensure maximum efficiency, sustainability, and precision. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your operations with tailored surface preparation and finishing solutions."