The layouts of complete Blast Room System are always different from plant to plant, every blast room must be designed independently depending upon the customer’s requirement. MEC SHOT offers variety of Blast Room designs and system configurations which allow us to design a blast room facility uniquely tailored to meet the economic production, safety & environmental concerns of each customers.

Blast room equipment is used in a wide variety of industries that require surface preparation prior to the application of a protective coating. The surface of the work piece is cleaned by a mixture of abrasive and high pressure compressed air being directed at the work piece by blast nozzle. The blast room contains the abrasive being shot at the work piece, as well providing lighting & ventilation for the operator's safety.


The modular blast room is specially ventilated and illuminated for enclosed abrasive blasting, and is a fully sealed, dust tight, all steel structure. The components are prefabricated for simple bolt-together erection, with little or no job site welding required. The enclosure stands by it’s own structural support without connections to the surrounding facilities. Internally, the enclosure has no areas, other than the floor, where airborne media or dust may be captured.

The size of the enclosure depends on

  1. The size of the job

  2. Number of operators &

  3. Adequate working space around the job.


Single Screw Partial Reclaim System:

A single screw partial reclaim system is the most economical floor design available. The system contains the major components heavy-duty screw, belt and bucket elevator, air-wash separator, perforated storage hopper with a caged man ladder and handrail. This is a basic "automatic" reclaim package that can be expanded to and "H", "U" or full floor reclaim system.

It is best suited for low to medium productive levels.

"H" Shaped Partial Reclaim System

Single Screw Partial Reclaim System

The "H" shaped partial reclaim system adds two longitudinal screw assemblies along each side wall of the blast room. The position of the screw assemblies allows the abrasive delivered from the blasting nozzle, which is either blown or rebounded off the work piece, to strike the side walls and fall into the screws, automatically reclaiming approx. 60 - 90% of the blast media. This system is best suited for medium to high production.

"U" Shaped Parttial Reclaim System

U Shaped Parttial Reclaim System

The "U" shaped partial reclaim system adds two longitudinal metered screw assemblies along each side wall of the blast room. The position of the screw assemblies allows automatically reclaiming approx. 60 - 90% of the blast media. This floor design is typically utilized in a "flow-through" room configuration where heavy work pieces and/or material handling devices can drive into the room and position the work piece on the steel covered concrete floor located between the longitudinal screws. This system is best suited for medium to high production.

Full Floor Reclaim System

Full Floor Reclaim System

The full floor reclaim system utilizes multiple screw assemblies to create a fully automatic abrasive reclaim system, where 100% of the blast media is returned to the separator system during the blasting operation. This system is best suited for high production requirements.

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Transform Your Surface Finishing Solutions with Tailored Shot Blasting - Inquire Today!

"Empower your business with MEC SHOT’s cutting-edge surface preparation and finishing systems, including Shot Blast Machines, Blast Cabinets, and Blast Room Systems. We specialize in customizing solutions like Dust Collectors, Conveyor Finishing Lines, Paint Spray Booths, and Powder Coating Ovens to meet your unique requirements. Whether it’s a Tumblast Shot Blasting Machine or a complete industrial setup, we ensure maximum efficiency, sustainability, and precision. Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your operations with tailored surface preparation and finishing solutions."